It's like smoking crack everytime

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:27 AM | 1 comments »

I'm high. Emotionally. Feels like it's burning inside. It's one of those times again. Accidently tuned in and just finished watching another episode of 'The Contender' on AXN.

It's a rerun of the first week's match, which is between Alfonso Gomez and Peter Manfredo. Alfonso, being the underdog, won hands down. I like to see underdogs make it. I like to see them beat the crap out of supposedly strong opponents (not just in boxing, but in everything in life). Love it!

I have friends who thinks reality shows sucks. Some thinks they are as fake as Micheal Jackson's face. But I just dig 'The Contender'. It's an emotional roller-coster to me. I'm sensitive, man.

Here are a bunch of guys being given the oppurtunity of their lifetime. In other words, they've got a shot to make it big in what they have passion for. How many of us get these oppoturnities? How many of us are still job-hopping trying to figure out what we're gonna do with our life or whether we'll ever end up doing the things that we really like to do?

These guys are fighting for their future in every fight, with their most loved ones by their side every step of the way. You can almost see fire burning in their eyes when they go up on stage. Knowing they are not just fighting for themselves, but also for all their loved ones. How would it make you feel? when you're fighting on stage and getting hurt, and your eight year old daughther is watching by the side of the ring. It gets to me everytime.

Starts me thinking, 'How hard have I been fighting for my life? or have I let life past me byjust like that.' Have you been thinking too?


  1. Anonymous // October 6, 2006 at 7:05 PM  

    Hello All,
    I hear you bro. If you want to know what it's really like to have you gutts kicked out on a constant basis try learning to be a prop trader.

    I grew up in a shit area of Detroit as a white boy.

    That wasn't shit.

    Now I know what pain is all about.

    regards & luck,