The problems of Life: 2

Posted by Wah Hoo | 5:12 AM | | 0 comments »

Life's guaranty:

From the moment you were born, you are set to face many uncertainties and challenges in life's bumpy journey. As we grow up, people around you tries to impart upon you wisdom by which to live a happy and fulfilling life, which is always assumed as a life free of problems.

But there is no such thing as a life free of problems, are there?

Imagine this: You're living the life of your dreams. You've got all the money you'll ever need. You're with the one person that's meant to be with you, your other-half/ soul mate. You have a great family. You're in a career/business that is your passion. You have all the money and freedom to do what you want, whenever you want it.
The question is, will you be free of problems?

We all know the answer to be NO. You're still faced with daily challenges of living your life. Poor people will have their financial problems. Rich people will also have their financial challenges, like how to manage their wealth, the effect on economic situations on their business/ wealth. You will also have to manage your life to find the balance of work and family. You'll be working hard to solve the puzzle of how to raise a happy and loving family.

In short, even if you're living the life of your dreams, you'll still be working your ass off solving problems, seeking solutions, looking for ways to do things better, or to avoid future problems.

In fact, successful people face more problems and frustrations than the average people. They are successful because they handle it well.

If a man could have just half of his wishes, he would double his troubles.
-Benjamin Franklin

Maybe the only way to live life free of problems is to live a life of shaved head, vegetarian in diet, up in a monastery far far away from civilization. A life of enlightenment. Maybe.
I don't know because I've never tried. If you have, please let me know.

Fact: You can't change the fact that life is riddled with problems. If you want to consult with people who have no problems in life, you won't find them high up in the mountains, in monasteries. You'd find them buried underground, in your local cemeteries. Yes, they're dead.

The purpose of problems

Problems in life are meant to serve us, if we recognize it as opportunities rather than nuisance.

I was once told: Challenges in life are there to keep those not deserving enough form getting the prize.

So in order to obtain the good things in life, we have to prove that we are worthy. And our worthiness are subjected to tests in the form of problems and frustrations. The next time you encounter problems, it means its time to prove your worthiness for the better things in life.

Also, crisis reveals character. Problems provides opportunities to understand ourselves better and make us face our inner demons. Nothing provides a better chance for us to discover our failings as problems do. It's like someone handing you the key to unlock a limiting belief/character on a silver platter. That someone is 'the problems' you encounter in life.

So why are problems such a debilitating feature in people's life?

Problems creates frustrations. The key to living a happy and fulfilling life is knowing how to handle the frustrations.

Next post: How to handle frustrations
, thus getting rid of the problem of 'problems'.