The KLG Invasion

Posted by Wah Hoo | 6:57 AM | 6 comments »

They’re here. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!

I’m sorry. I got carried away. But I feel like I need to tell you this. I kept telling myself that this means something. I just want to be the first person to give the world a warning if it turned out to be true. Nothing of this sort has ever happened before, at least, not to my memory.

Actually, I have this theory which I pushed to the back of my mind a while back, because of the sheer absurdity of it. I want to share it with you now. Why you? Of all the things to do in the world, you chose to waste your time hanging around my blog, reading this. This makes me feel, in a weird way, connected to you. In fact, I feel so close to you now, at the same time vulnerable. It’s like we’re standing naked in front of each other, an arm’s length apart, and I keep seeing you as Angelina Jolie.
Ok, maybe not the last part, but can’t a man have fantasies once in a while?!

Back to my theory:

Fellow earthlings, I believe we’re under attack. From whom (or what) I’m not so sure, but I assure you they’re here, amongst us! I believe this is only the first wave, an initial fleet to ‘test the water’, and soon, droves of ‘them/it’ will swarm over us, and by then, there will be no escape.

It makes perfect sense Ipoh was the choice for this initial fleet of invaders. We’re a quiet little town, peaceful people. We would never suspect anything. They would have gathered whatever intelligence they have to, pat their buttocks and left without making a fuss.

There is no other logical explanation. These buggers just popped up out of nowhere. I swear to you. One day we’re still peaceful (almost dead) little Ipoh town, and the next thing you know, these generic KFC restaurants, calling themselves KLG (yea, the originality), and even spotting the same appearance (the white, blue and red of a typical KFC restaurant) started sprouting everywhere around town like mushrooms after rain.

First sighting: If you’re far enough, you’ll probably mistaken this sign as one showing the way to another KFC restaurant. I certainly did.

KFC lookalike, with Colonel Sanders replaced by a ‘surprised/confused looking’ chicken. How original. (Falim)

Well, they look as harmless as chickens, you say. But I assure you, what we’re able to see from the outside could be excellent job of covering up for some bizarre operations behind the counter. The blatant display of plagiarism of the designs of these restaurants very well proves my point. I mean, if you didn’t really take a careful look, you might walk into one of these restaurant to order your regular ‘hot and spicy chicken’ or ‘zinger burger’.

Just how can a business with this much money to invest (looking at the total number of restaurants and the short period of time they have come into existence) had given so little thought into the design and branding of its business that it confuses customers into mistaking it as part of a well established chain restaurants? Cannot be, right? Will someone tell me, am I living in China or something? Has ‘someone up there’ decided to ‘move’ the whole Ipoh town to China and I’m the only person who hasn’t realize it?

Why does the bloody chicken look so surprised? And why does the ‘G’ look so much like a ‘C’? To further confuse us with the other restaurant? (Ipoh garden)

This photo look distorted because I was driving at high speed when I snap this shot. I know, I’m dangerous. (Fair Park)

Another thing that gave away their evil scheme is the quality of their food. Although I’ve never tasted it before, according to reliable sources, two words sums up what their foods taste like: It sucks!! They seem to be doing nothing right. I mean, how can this be? No genuinely operating restaurant can be this bad.

Another one! We’re doomed! (Ipoh Jaya)

From what I’ve gathered, there are at least 6 (that I know of) of these restaurants in town. All of them appeared out of the blue in a span of 2 months. The way these restaurants appeared at prime locations simultaneously reminds me of the movies ‘Independence day’ and ‘Wars of the worlds’. Then, I was thinking to myself: ‘It’s happening! Its really happening!’ They are just waiting for the right time to strike us. The only thing stopping them is, maybe an official command from their ‘headquarter’, and once they’ve got that too, we’re tossed!

There. This is the least I can do, to expose them so you can save yourself before its too late. I'm taking a big risk by doing this. So, if I suddenly disappear one day, you would have a hint what fate have befallen me.
If I do go missing, the next time you order your chicken burger at a KLG restaurant, it might not be chicken meat you're eating.

A few weeks ago, I went for a charity performance by the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. I wouldn't know what to expect of it when I got the ticket because I've never been to a professional chorus performance before. The closest thing I've ever experienced were amatuer attempts by secondary schoolgirls during my Leo Club days.

Superb performance

The 40-voice choir was selected from a 140-voice chorus to tour and perform selected musical works. In Malaysia, they performed in 3 states, first in Penang on the 24th, then in Ipoh on the 26th and finally in KL on the 27th. It was like nothing I have ever seen (or more acurately, heard) before.

The theme of the chorus was Image Taiwan. We were treated to tunes that describes the area and culture of Taiwan, including Taiwan and Mongolian folksongs, Chinese choral works and aboriginal tunes. When they came out from backstage at the beginning of the show, two particular members of the choir stood out in terms of appearance, one of them is a tall, blonde, unmistakebly caucasian lady and the other one, we found out is a Filipino man. The blonde lady (Perlette Jyehae Matthews) turns out to be half-American, half-Taiwanese. That very well proves that music really do has no racial/religious/geographic boundaries.

It was a spectacular performance. Especially when they performed some familiar tunes like 'The Tuberrose' (Yie Lai Xiang) and 'An Unforgettable Affair'(Bu Liao Ching).

I was expecting a typical Ipoh crowd where they do commentaries or chit chat about their neighbours dog giving birth and so on. Suprisingly, the crowd was very well behaved that evening.

I was one of the very few 'not so old' in the crowd. I was sitting beside 2 young rascals who kept making a lot of noise throughout the show. At the end of the show, I slapped them both and kicked them so hard in the backside they flew straight home.

The performance was also a fundraising event for the Agape Home for childrens. I had a chance to talk to Pastor Lim (who manages the orphanage) on a recent visit (organised by the Leo Club of Ipoh Unity) to celebrate the mooncake festival with the childrens and was really impressed with the energy and passion of this 49 year old man, on and off the football field.

At Agape Home. The 'smart' camera lady did not use the flash. Duh! 8pm at night le. Luckily can still see me because my yellow color shirt is just so 'tak chut'.

Football match with the boys. I did not join them. I'm too old for this, you 'hau sang chai' go play.

One of his philosophy in life is to challenge the norm of modern society, get out of the programme, live life according to your own rules, don't just go with the flow. Live your own life instead of living the expectations of your parents, friends, teachers, company managers...etc.

This is so true. There are too many temptations in the world waiting to suck you into 'the matrix' (if you're not in it already), where you live by rules and limitations preprogrammed into the system. Where sooner or later you become a drone in this immence factory producing more drones as you multiply yourself by producing offsprings. These offsprings of yours will carry on your 'legacy' in their genes, and programming through education and constant feeding of unqualified opinions and guidelines on how to live life. This whole process is known as 'Parenting'.

Don't get me wrong. I intend to pass on my genes and produces my own offsprings. Lots and lots of them, and when I have enough, I'll go a step further and produce more, and more, and then more........infinity(if possible). Yea, what can I say, I'm a high achiever. I believe I have good genes and should utilize it(by passing it on) for the betterment of mankind.

Ok. This post is way too unstructured. I'm rambling about too many unrelated things at one go. I better make some kind of conclusion to round up what I'm trying to say so that there'll be a clear take home message to make it worth your time reading. So here it is:

I have good genes. Wanna mate?

Gua pun cinta sama legara, chalet!!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 6:02 AM | 1 comments »

Harap-harap saya tidak terlalu lewat untuk membelog dalam bahasa kebangsaan kita seperti kebanyakan saudara-saudari dalam blogosfera yang telah pun berbuat demikian sempena Hari Merdeka. Setelah berfikir lama, akhirnya saya membuat keputusan untuk mengharungi segala sawang-sawang mental yang wujud akibat terlalu lama tidak memfleksikan otot-otot bahasa supaya saya dapat, sekali lagi, menyampaikan fikiran dalam minda dengan menggunakan bahasa tercinta kita, Bahasa Malaysia (atau Bahasa Melayu? Sudah tidak begitu pasti lagi kerana kerap ditukar).

Tapi jika difikirkan dengan teliti, agak membosankan jika hanya menulis dalam bahasa Malaysia baku. Maklumlah sudah sekian lama tidak menulis dalam bahasa, agak karat juga tatabahasa dan vokabulari saya. Kemungkinan juga apa yang ditulis ini tidak boleh difahami. Tapi apa kuasa saya? Inilah yang larat saya buat pada masa ini.

Demi menghilangkan rasa bosan semasa saya menulis dan rakan-rakan sekalian yang rajin membaca, saya akan menulis dengan cara yang lebih kreatif. Karangan ini akan bermula dalam bahasa baku yang sebaku-bakunya, selepas itu mungkin berloghat Perak sedikit dengan campuran unsur-unsur bahasa pasar dan diakhiri dengan bahasa yang rojak dan mengelirukan. Baiklah, kita mulakan tanpa melengahkan masa lagi.....

Sejurus selepas mengakhiri persekolahan menengah, (walaupun usaha ini mungkin dianggap sebagai anti-semangat kebangsaan) saya membuat keputusan untuk memuntahkan kembali sebahagian besar daripada apa yang dipelajari dalam kelas bahasa Malaysia, untuk dipulangkan kepada guru-guru bahasa yang dihormati.

Ketika itu, semua pencapaian dalam bahasa Malaysia seperti tidak banyak mendatangkan manfaat, kecuali untuk lulus dalam peperiksaan. A1 dalam SPM seolah-olah tidak bermakna langsung (ni nak aksyen sikit la, tak boleh). 'Selepas memasuki Universiti, Bahasa Inggerislah yang lebih penting', itulah yang berlinggar dalam otak. 'Bahasa Malaysia itu, faham sikit cukuplah, cukup untuk menulis esei, yang selebih tu, tak penting sangat'. Pada masa itu, rasanya logik juga berfikir demikian.

Mungkin sebab masa tu, Bahasa Inggeris saya memang teruk. Nak tulis karangan dalam bahasa Inggeris memang susah. Dalam rumah saya, bukannya ada sapa-sapa yang tahu cakap English. Habih tu, kena blajar sendiri la. Eh, kome ingat senang ke? Tapi tak apa, asal rajin sikit, mesti boleh punya. Sama jugak dengan masa mula blajar bahasa Malaysia. Eh, cikgu masa tu kata bahasa aku lebih terer dari budak melayu tau? Tak caya? Cis... sapa pduli? Aku tau sudah le. Masa tu bahasa aku baik sebab banyak baca majalah 'Gila-Gila' (malay version of 'MAD' magazine) kot. Entah la. Sekarang ni, nak kata bahasa Malaysia tak guna, idak jugak. Bila nak cakap lebih sikit dengan gadis melayu cun tu, hah, masa tu le yang sedar bertapa pentingnya bahasa ni.

Hah, sikit yam lagi habis celita. Sabar selikit, ok?

Apa yang gua mau kasi lu tau ah, itu bahasa malaisia, itu ala penting jugak. Mesti mau paham selikit, boleh. Kita suma hamplang olang malaisia, betul tak? Itu lempat lu tinggal ala jugak olang malayu, olang cina, olang india, etc, etc... mesti mau satu kali kerliasama tolong-menolong balu suma olang happy selikit bukan. Balu boleh ciapai wawasan lua puluh lua puluh.

Satu lagi gua mau kasi lu tau ah, ini hali gua ala dengar satu lagu manyiak selupa lagu kebangsaan kita. Ini celita ala keluar lekat sulatkhabar. Gua sulah kasi lownload itu lagu, kalau lu jugak mau, lu pegi sini. Cali itu lagu 'Mamula Moon'.

Amacam? boleh tahan jugak?

Selamat Hari Merdeka.

Furong jie jie shut down?!!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 9:24 AM | 5 comments »

This is interesting. The Propaganda Department of China has decided to exert it's power to shut down Furong jiejie. Is she a treat to China's national security or something? Maybe she is. I puke everytime I look at her photos, and I guess that's a bad thing. You wouldn't want someone like that representing your country in the blogsphere right?

"Mirrow mirrow on the wall, who's the most narcissistic bitch of them all?"

Read more here.

I wonder what Kenny and Xiaxue has to say.

My family jewels..........

Posted by Wah Hoo | 4:16 AM | 2 comments »

There's no doubt they're important to us, and thus we give them meticulous care. Even during times when they're not in use, we keep them clean, so that when it is time we need them to perform, they would do a good job to bring us pleasure, maybe even suprise us a little.

Once every little while, just like a car, we need to start it's engine and let it run for awhile, just to make sure it's still functioning well, and similar to a car's engine, if it is left unattended and unused for too long a period of a time, it might not function well the next time you start it.

All men in my family has this itch. Actually, it's more like a universal men 'thing'. We get excited and squeal like little girls whenever we see a set of high quality goods. Ever so often, we are tempted to part with a month or twos salary for a little upgrade on our own set.

But that will only cure the itch for a certain period of time. Eventually, when an upgrade do not seem to do the job of maximising the performance of the whole system, we go for a completely new set.

Let me show you what I'm talking about in case you're still wondering, or in case you wanted to write me an email to ask me "Can I really upgrade my family jewels?! How? Where?"..........

This is what I'm talking about. Our AV system (as in audio visual, not adult video).

Let me just explain about the photograph in case you're still confused even after looking at it.
In addition to the existing system, my father just bought a pair of 10" Dynamax karaoke speakers (placed on the floor). And when he's testing it by hooking it up to our old Marantz amp and his faithful karaoke decoder, I decided to take a photo cause it was such a sight!

The photograph above might not be so clear, there's actually 7 speakers in there. 8 if you take the subwoofer into account. There's also a pair of rear surround speakers not in the photograph. So in all, there's a total of 10 speakers in my living room that day.
Holy macaroni!! 10 effing speakers!!

The pair of Dynamax (a cheap cheap brand) speakers is now in my parents room. My dad has practically turned his room into a mini karaoke. It finally dawned on us that having so many speakers blasting away in one room is not a very good idea when my mom and I had to go for surgery to fix our ruptured eardrums. We are ok now. My dad on the other hand, has to use a hearing device for the rest of his life, and my sis is gonna kill me when she sees what I just wrote :p

Overkill would be an understatement

The mountain of AV products (audio visual, audio visual, OK!) you see in the photograph is a collection which started with a modest lineup of a Marantz intergrated amp, Pioneer LD/VCD player, a 34" Sony TV, and a pair of JBL bookshelf speakers. We used to have a Telefunken cd player for our music cravings too. It was quite an awesome system and it did well in music and stereo movies for us back then.

After that, my bro brought a whole set of Sony AV system back from Uk including a video cassatte player (which is now absolete, but we still leave it there just to fill the rack and make people visiting us go "Wow!"), a DVD player (which is now officially retired, means broken. and replaced by a cheaper Tagwood DVD player which also plays almost every kind of disk known to man), and the STR DB930 surround reciever. Along with this system, he also managed to smuggle a set of BOSE 'Lifestyle 10' surround speakers back to Malaysia.

Having a compatible DVD player with digital output, a decent amp to decode digital signals and a complete 5.1 set of speakers, I was all ready to experience Dolby Digital (also known as AC3) and DTS sounds, with just one final problem that needs solving, to look for a digital interconnect that tranfers datas from the DVD player to the amp. It took quite a while before I found one because a lot of AV equipment shops don't even know what kind of cable would work. There are actually 2 types of digital cables: optical cables and coaxial cables. The first time we put in an AC3 DVD to test the system was a pretty breathtaking experience. We did literally go "Wow!".

By the standard today, this system is pretty out of date. With new formats like Dolby Prologic 2, Dolby Digital EX and DTS-ES being the standard for almost all new players and amps, the only choice would be for a total replacement, though it's not gonna happen anytime soon, cause now, unfortunately, I'm still poor.

Anyone wanna donate so I can get a new system? ANYONE?

Guess not.

Come on, come on heaven, spit on me!!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:09 AM | 4 comments »

The much awaited rain finally arrived today. In fact, it is still raining outside as I'm typing this. Let's hope the sky will be clear and blue tomorrow, free from haze, and I can actually see where I'm going when I'm driving.

Actually even before the rain today, the haze has improved in Ipoh. What? Don't believe me? I can prove it to you. Today I can even tell you that I've only ran over 2 dogs, one cat and one old lady, which is a great improvement compared to when the haze was really bad.

It will definitely be better tomorrow. I'm aiming for just two kills tomorrow, hopefully just some small animals, preferably frogs. Let's just hope the numbers get better, at least until the direction of wind change again and brings back the haze. Please keep YOUR fingers crossed.

I have always liked rainy days. Especially when I'm indoor, there is a strange feeling of security and comfort. I suspect it is mutual among all living things, except maybe plants, and frogs. The feeling of being sheltered from rain is so luxurious.

Oh, and I hope you know I'm kidding.

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:00 AM | 0 comments »

This is hilarious. I've got to blog this.

An sms I got:

New Malaysian national anthem...

Negaraku, Tanah tumpahnya jerebu,

Rakyat hidup, bersesak dan layu,

Rahmat bahgia, penjual topeng muka,

Raja kita, kena pakai juga!

That is all. Cheers.

It's MY day

Posted by Wah Hoo | 8:11 AM | 2 comments »

It's my birthday today. Thank all those who had sent me birthday whishes. Special thanks to those few who celebrated this special day with me.

I don't really get presents often for my birthdays in the past. Except from 1 or 2 close friends who never fail to remind me of MY OWN birthday because I'm not a 'birthday celebrating' person(what great friends I have!). Of course, there are also those who would send me countless reminders of their own birthday so that I would have ample time to shop for a present for them (Yea, great friends! @*%&*!).

The presents I got this year clearly shows that it does not matter how much a birthday present cost but it's more of the thoughtfullness of the person buying it.

Look at what I've got:

Present no.1

Just look at me! No one can look so angry and so cute at the same time. Grrr.....

This one is amazing. A Ci-Boys 8cm figure! I've been looking for these buggers since I got one from my bro and placed it on my car's dashboard. I''ve never been a big fan of action figures, but these buggers are real cool, and cute. I don't care if it sounds gay. I like cute things too. Spank me.

At last, the one in my car has got a new partner. Hopefully I can get hold of more of these cute angry bald guys real soon. I'm gonna inundate my dashboard with these little fellas. Ooo....I'm so gay! (as in happy).

I've only casually mentioned I like Ci-boys figure very much and am thinking of starting a collection, so I'm rather suprised you remembered. Thanks a million!
Ha.....and now I know where you bought it. My cousin next door just bought one at 'New World' (What bucking coincidence!!) You got it from there too, didn't ya?

Present no.2

You guys bought me a book. To know that I like to read is one thing. To know what kind of books I like to read is really sweet. But to buy me the book that I'm planning to buy without me ever mentioning it to you scary. Really. How the hell did you guys know?! You guys didn't follow me around like stalkers, did you?

Dear all, stalking is unhealthy. It scares the shit out of the person you're stalking. They know. Believe me. It's like a sixth sense thing or something. Like you always know when someone is staring at you even when you're looking the other way. And, once they know who you are, boy, are you in real trouble. Lawsuits are imminent. But if you're a real hot babe, that's a totally different story. In that case, a cup of coffee at your place will greatly diminish the possibility of you being sued.
-This is a public service announcement brought to you by

Ok. I'm just kidding.

Yes. I'm an intellectual one. Having read books by Anthony Robbins and Adam Khoo, I decided it's time to go digging a little deeper on the teachings of NLP.

Happy birthday to you too Li Wah!

Now, what are the chances of one of your best friend sharing the same birthday as yours. Yea, it's pretty cool. Double the fun! We should go out K-ing more often, don't you think. I had so much fun today.

The third present I got is a Sheaffer pen. Now, you're thinking: How boring!. Wrong. I've been thinking of getting myself a decent pen for quite some time. I've been using cheapo pens supplied by my company all this while and voila! I didn't even tell you that! Can you read my mind or something?!

Holy cow!! I got (almost) all the things I wished for this birthday! How uncanny!

The writer in me

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:18 AM | 0 comments »

So here's the deal. Siew Lean has posted her first entry in her blog, and I think it's damn good. Pulitzer prize material, I tell you. Being the smarty pants I always has been, I was thinking to myself: I can do this too. I can write GOOD.
And so, equipped with my somewhat limited vocabulari, and a larger than elephant ass ego, I'm gonna try to write something with similar grandeur. So, here goes....

Wait, before that, I must stress that the material you are going to read is like, totally original. There is not even the slightest possibility that the plot, ideas, words originated from her post. Plagiarism is despicable. All those who plagiarise should be sent straight to hell. No. They should be castrated first, then sent to hell. Ladies would have their breast removed.
So, you will not find any part of my material to even remotely resemble her entry. Totally no connection with hers, got it? GOT IT?

Ok, back to the real deal...

The sun going down adi, but not all the way down, ngam ngam halfway like playing peekaboo like that.The rumah atap all empty. All went out clubbing, or went do something naughty. Left two insan in the rumah, in the room. These two siao lang stay close close. They are baby siao lang and mother siao lang. Mother siao lang cekik the poor little baby siao lang. Juz kidding. Touching only. Baby siao lang couldnt care less. He was too busy tasting her neh neh. It's damn hot outside, so they were both sweating like hell. Both smelly like hell. Baby siao lang continue sucking her neh neh, and summore, and summore, and summore, and summore, and summore.And then, "NEXT", moved on to the other neh neh.
After the mother siao lang's reservoir is depleted, baby siao lang also chiak pao liao and went to chiak something else, chiak bantal (means sleep la, Einstein!!). Satisfied with her first experience of feeding her baby, with a sore neh neh, she went out clubbing to celebrate.

(I really want to continue the story, but I sense a tsunami of negative vibes aproaching, so I stop here....)

See. I can write a decent strory. I think mine is a lot better than hers. Don't you think? Yea. I think so too.

Friendster shut me down!!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 8:22 AM | 9 comments »

Actually it might have been a bug they couldnt fix, but heck, it still messed up my normal blogging schedule I try very hard to keep. Glad you all kept your cool, my dear blodger(term coined from xiaxue, which means blog reader. Ingeniuos, isnt it?) fans. By now, I'd assume I have tons of fans reading my blog, because I get marriage proposals at least once a day in my mailbox, all claiming to have read my blog and told me I swept them off their feet with my charm and idiosyncrasies.

Ok, OK! Hold your horses. There is only one me, ok! I can only marry 7 of you at one time (I'm like the modern 'wai siu bou', I'm strong. Ahem). But you can still wait 'till I get bored with my current wives. I assure you, I have very short attention span. THEN, I can marry you. So make sure you leave me your contact no. Stay home always, wait for my call, and you might just have a chance. But of course I can't promise you anything. As I've said, I am only one man! Unless, of course, you're rediculously hot. In that case, call me NOW! What?! Why are you still reading? Which part of NOW that you don't understand? Go grab your phone.


Wait, brb,something I forgot to do.

Ok, now that I've taken care of those voices in my head with some Zyprexa, let's get back to my ranting about how friendster shut me down from blogging the past week.

I was kept from blogging for the past week because everytime I click on the 'update blog' link, I end up where I started; my friendster home page. I kept clicking on that same link for the next few days, but to no avail. Realising cursing at my screen would'nt work (believe me, I've tried, with all my might. *pun not intended*), I tried clicking on a different link. All working fine, except the 'update blog' and 'edit album' link. After awhile, I began to hate seeing my homepage loading up. I still have uneasy feelings in my stomach when I look at my homepage now.

As you can see, I'm back now. So all is fine. No need to take Luvox anymore to control your withdrawal symptoms. At last, you can worship your god again on this sacred ground known as At last, you.........I think I need another dose of Zyprexa.


Cool links

Anyway, if you have a broadband connection, here are some cool links of a few P2P software that I'm using for downloading movies, anime, mp3, software, watch internet tv and a whole load of other cool stuffs. Gotta fully utilize the broadband connection, right.

I'm pretty sure most of you are familiar with bittorrent files. Bitcomet is only one of the bittorrent client (software), many others are available. I find it very easy to use, with lots of extra features. It is reported to conflict with ZoneAlarm 5.0 though. I'm using version 6.0, so I'm safe. I use Bitcomet to download movies and animes mainly, also e-books.

Limewire is another great P2P software. The fact that it has got iTunes intergration makes it very nice for downloading Mp3.

I use Kugoo to download chinese Mp3s. It's made mainly to cater for chinese speaking dudes, so even the sofware is in chinese also.

This one is pretty cool. Another chinese made software, but this one is for watching China's tv channels. Hong Kong's TVB is also available. A good substitute if you don't have Astro at home.

All these softwares are free for download and use. With the powers of these softwares, there is no need to buy anymore cds, dvds, books, or subscibe to Astro. Even those pirated vcd peddlers won't be able to make money out of you anymore. Because you become a bigger (and greater) pirate then them. A lot of materials you download using these softwares are illegal. Now don't say I did'nt warn you.

After you've done downloading to your heart's content, you can get back to worshipping me on my blog.
Thank You.

Wait. Now just one more thing. This whole post has been without a photo. A post without a photo is boring, rite? So, here goes.....

Ghost sighted!!! No. This is actually a 'Wanted' photograph. This is the culprit who stole robbed my 'Moonlight Fried Hor Fun' of one of it's 2 huge prawns! In that split second when my food arrive, even before the plate touches the table, one of my precious prawn was in the hand of this siao cha bo. Ceh! Early celebration of my birthday konon. I kick you then you know.

Monday blues

Posted by Wah Hoo | 8:03 AM | 0 comments »

Mondays are like a curse for some people. It's the day we have to start hauling ass and get back to what we should be doing: working (to earn a living), or studying (to be able to earn a living someday, hopefully).

For me, it's important how I handle Mondays cause it'll effect my performance the whole week. As i'm in sales, and as what they always say, sales is an energy business, the higher the energy, the more effective you are, which means the richer your pocket gets. I like.

So to boost up that all important energy level of mine, I'm gonna indulge myself in an activity that all men are familiar with, and also spend countless hours doing it. By the way, it's a really rewarding pastime, cause apparently, according to studies, it increases our heart health. Yes, it does. No kidding.

What am I talking about? Hehe, what else...looking at girls loh.

Discalimer: The contents below are totally safe for all ages, even childrens and senior citizens, especially males. If your granpa is around, get his ass over here to read this with you, it'll do both of you good. Why? Studies shows when we men look at a woman's body (even fully clothed. What were you thinking?), we get aroused and blood starts to flow faster in our blood vessels, thus promoting circulation to the whole body and possibly removing plagues at the same time (amazing, rite?). There are no nude or offending photos in this post. Only pictures of healthy young women indulging in sports. They are extremely sexy though, but not in terms of revealing too much flesh, but more of the sexiness of being active and healthy, if you know what I mean.

So, here is, my list of the sexiest women in sports:

No.1 in my list:

Guo JingJing, the diving queen of China

The Olympic gold medalist in Athens 2004, clinched her 3rd consecutive world champion title in 3m springboard in the 2005 Montreal World Aquatic Championship.

Ok. Maybe you think this photo is too model like and maybe heavily photoshopped too.


So let's look at another one.

gorgeous, aint she?


Some more....

Absolute beauty.

And, bachelor no.2:

Anna Kournikova, tennis princess

She needs no introduction at all. With heaps of product endorsements, she is the poster girl of tennis fans and the epitome of sports beauty. A rose with lots of spiky torns. In 2004, her parents sued her for allegedly taking over a waterfront home the three jointly own. Ouch! Dangerous women are sooo sexy!

Moving on, no.3 in the list:

Michelle Wie, the sexy golf amatuer

Michelle Wie, a korean descent born in Hawaii became only the fourth women, and the youngest ever to play in an event on the main US based men's golf tour, the PGA tour. She's only 16 years old!! and already 6 foot tall.
Michelle, I have a question to ask you,, will you marry me?

Let's feast our eyes on more Michelle Wie...I mean, on MY Michelle Wie.

Next, we have...

Tennis babe, Maria Sharapova

Eh, Maria, why are you looking at me like that? You SO want me. I know.
Maria Sharapova is the new queen of tennis. I watched the 2004 Wimbledon Final where she beat the crap out of Serena Williams to become the first Russian to claim the title, and instantly fell in love with her.
Maria, you can be my second wife. I'm sorry, I have to marry Michelle first because she's Korean. She's just closer.


Walau, pose like that meh? Ok la, maybe I'll reconsider.

and, finally, last but not least, we have a Malaysian winner:

Malaysian squash beauty, Nicol David.

She's a beauty, I tell you. These photos here doesnt do her justice. I've seen her in person. She's a lot cuter.
Yes, Nicol, I've seen you, back in 2001, in Mandarin Cafe, Sungai Dua in Penang!

For those who do not know (shame on you!), Nicol is now ranked 3rd in the world and has just beaten world no.1 Racheal Grinham to become the first Malaysian ever to win a gold medal in the World Games.

Nicol looks so hot in action. Nicol, you can marry me too :)

That's my new motto. So that it would match the smiley face sitting so unassuming in the space where my photo used to be in my frienster profile page.
It's so cute, don't you think? I'd give anything for a face like that. Soothes the heart just by looking at it. And in case you don't get enough of the mood regulating therapeutic effects of just one smiley face, go click on the 'view photo' link under the big smiley face. Go on, don't be shy, GO.

and tadaa!!.......EIGHT MORE smiley faces, just for you. (All of them with captions to explain to you what I'm doing in those photos that makes my face so happy. Just use your imagination.)

Wow, if one smiley face makes you feel so good, just imagine what eight of them will do to you?! It might even bring you to ORGASM!

The people at Frienster are so good to me they messed up all my photos and replace them with all these cute smiley faces. Aww....those precious smiley faces, I'm not worthy. Give it to someone who deserve it.

Eh, just a thought: but my face isnt round? My eyes are not just 2 f***king dots either, and I swear to holy mother of Christ, I'm not that happy and smiling all the time!

So PLEASE, fix my photos already, WILL YA!!!


Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:55 AM | 0 comments »

If you notice, I've photoshopped the faces of the people in my previous posts to conceal the identity of, um, everyone in the pics.

No, I did not recieve any death threats from disgruntled fellow colleagues/friends/family members who are not happy with me putting their pics online.

And no, there ain't any concerned buddy telling me I'd get sued by putting other people's pics in my blog without their permission. (But really, can I, like, get sued for that?)

It's just that I've been thinking (yea, um, I do that sometimes). Some people might have a different view on what private information is. I mean, some people might just be a wee bit sensitive about having their pics online, on my blog, WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE. Ok, I can understand that. Would'nt you be concerned? No? really? You narcissistic freak!

But I really do understand. So from now on, I would make everyone of you, who are priviledge enough to have your geeky face posted on my blog, to look like your face's been zapped by an alien's laser gun, so no beings on earth would be able to recognise you. Unless of course, you've given your consent to me to post it here, in which case, it will appear in all it's naturally freakish glory. Thank you.

Ok, let's see some more alien-laser-zapped faces, er, just for the heck of it, k.

Which style you like? In case you're wondering why I left out the guy holding the mic, that's my pretty face. I won't sue myself, so I guess it's ok.

What? Want more? Aww...ok, just one more.

Ok, this one does'nt look like he got attacked by aliens but it looks cool right? See the guy having coffee in the background? I am so thorough in my work I didn't leave him out and did a fix on his face too. Talk about attention to details.

I think I'm getting good at this. Wait, *lightblub glowing above head*, let me make you an offer. If you send me a photo of yourself, I'll give it the alien-laser-zap treatment and post it on my blog. FOR FREE. What d'ya think? It'd be fun, wouldnt it? We can start a galery or something. And I promise I'll keep your identity secret. Heck, you don't even have to let me know who you are, whether you know me or not. Just send your pic to my email:

I'm serious (how many times do I have to repeat myself to get your attention?) It's a great idea, aint it? You hit a few buttons, and we all get entertained. How many times have someone offered to zap your face silly (face on your photo, of course) and post it online? FOR FREE.

Original shit, huh.

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:47 AM | 0 comments »

Pls read Part 1 first (not that there is continuity that would otherwise be uncomprehendable if you read this part first, but since this post is named part 2, I guess, what the heck, do as you like...)

Cameron Highlands

This is the second time I'm driving up to Cameron using the new road (enter at Simpang Pulai). Me and my colleagues were very well treated by our company. We get to stay at Equatorial Hotel near Brinchang (about 2 km away). The Equatorial is a 4 star hotel, and it is rated as the second bestest hotel in Cameron Highlands. The highest rated being Lakehouse Resort.

The Equatorial has great views and some very comfortable apartments (besides the hotel rooms). We stayed at a 2 rooms apartment with a spectacular view.


Albeit all the great facilities of a 4-star Hotel, they still manage to screw it up by some substandard service and poor management. When we got there, there were no slippers and towels in the apartment. We called, and were told slippers are not provided for occupants but they will bring the towels as soon as possible. Now normally I wouldn't have given a damn whether they provide slippers or not but here in Cameron Highlands, the floor is icy cold!

We thought it was only a glitch that happens on the rarest of occasions, but we were dissappointed again the next day. No towels again. WTF, rite!? 4-star hotel? Dissappointing.

Also, we were only provided with one towel each. No hand towels provided. They charge RM5 for each extra towel. Never seen a 4-star hotel so kiamsiap one. I think they're trying to cut cost or something, as apparently, ours was not an isolated case. Others also had to request for their towels. Such simple thing also cannot do, call yourself 4-star. haiz.

Anyway, apart from work, we also went around scouting for good food. Boy, can we eat!! Food, food, food all the time. And of course we went for steamboat, one of the must do if you come to Cameron Highlands. The cold weather makes steamboat really really goood.

Don't forget the fisballs, faster, put fishballs first. Fishballs. I like. A steamy scene at Cameron. (steamy scene. Hehe...)

We had steamboat at Restoran Kowlong, Brinchang. The parking area opposite the restaurant was the site for the famous pasar malam in Brinchang.

If you think the huge prawns in the last steamy picture (steamy picture. hehe...) was the star of the meal, how very wrong you are, my young padawan.

Introducing, *drum rolls* the real star of the meal, Fried Mushrooms!! *applauds....screams*

Mine! They are all mine! Wuahaha... (eh, why look more like fried shit? eww..)

After feeding ourself fat that night, we worked like dogs again for the next few days.
In all, the trip was enjoyable.


Backdated entry (Part 1)

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:43 AM | 0 comments »

Sleepy Hollow

I've been working for 2 consecutive weekends, luckily had a chance to rest last weekend. The first was to Kl. The second weekend was in Cameron which I'm gonna write about in a while. I've accumulated some serious sleep dept now. If the body has some kind of debt collector like what those 'along' have. I'd already been chopped to pieces.

Chop chop chop!!

I think it has. Only working in a different way. One of these days I'm gonna crash myself straight to hell by falling asleep behind the wheel. I spend, like, 3-4 hours driving everyday. So, Ipoh shitheads! Better watch out for me!I'm gonna mow ya 'all down like chickens or dogs or whatever with my blue Unser.

Don't get me wrong, I like dogs. Especially the squashed ones by the road side. Cute.

Kidding. KIDDING!

See what lack of sleep has done to me.

But seriously, move your big fat butt out of the way when you see my dream cruiser in the close vicinity. I'm dangerous. Ya know what I'm saying?
REMEMBER: Blue Unser = run for your life/ give way, like what you do to an ambulance.


Land of good food

Since my colleagues (from KL) and I are supposed to meet up in Ipoh before driving up to Cameron. They decided to come earlier (at lunch time), so that they can enjoy some Ipoh food before going up there to work like a dog (see, told you I like dogs, mentioned them twice in this post).

And so I brought them around to fulfill their crave. First stop was Tin Chun restaurant in old town where we had chicken hor fun, satay and egg pudding (really famous there). Then, by request, we headed to the famous 'tau fu fah' place opposite Foo San restaurant.

The ladies enjoying 'tau fu fah' and 'soya mixed with cincau aka black and white'.

This 'tau fu fah' stall is sort of like a drive-in stall, only it's not exactly drive-IN...........anyway, you get to enjoy the famous Ipoh 'smoother-than-silk' bean curd in the comfort of your own car, cause you just have to park nearby the stall, yell at them and they'll happily send it over to you.

Lastly, we stopped by Indulgence for desert. This atas restaurant with a great ambiance is very comfortable and serves really good cheese cakes. However, the bill will really hurt your wallet.


tired...the bits on Cameron later. Chiao.

David Letterman Rocks!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 10:06 AM | 0 comments »

Dave rocks! He's losing hair, but he still kicks ass. Whoohoo....

Why I blog

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:41 AM | 0 comments »

A friend of mine called and told me he read my blog, says it's cool, I'm gonna be famous and I look hot in the pic.

Alright, he just told me he read my blog.

But that really starts me thinking, 'do I really wanna be read by my friends'? Is it the reason I blog?

Frankly, I have no idea why I started blogging. I read a few blogs, thought it's cool and wanted to try it mostly to amuse myself. I wanted to see a site with the name badly. I also wanted to write words like shit, fuck, tits, boobies, wanker, clitoris, and assy all in one page (whohoo...!! Now that I've done it. I might just stop blogging).

I probably have too much time on my hand.

Ya know, my friends would never believe I wrote those stuffs I just did. In real life, I'm this all polite and decent human being who doesn't smoke, drinks only for business purposes, and wouldn't (oh god forbid!) let slip a single swear word out of my mouth. Profanity is just not in my everyday wardrobe.

On a more serious note, I thought it would be a good way to record the crazy shit I have to deal with everyday and laugh about it later when I reread it. A place to do some mental purging, so to speak.

And Cham, no worries dude. It's not like I'm gonna bad-mouth my friends here, or tell the world you're actually gay, or tell them about the time in secondary school when you were doing the impression of tarzan or something, jumping from table to table, howling your personnal battle cry, then then then banging your head on pure-hard-CONCRETE (ouch! I feel your pain, bro. I really do.) and end up lying on the ground while the whole class laugh our asses off.

Muahahahaa...! I'm evil!

For a certain company function, I went to a prestigiuos hotel, the Le Meridien hotel in KL Sentral and got a taste of all these three things.

The hotel was spectacular but unfortunately I was put in a less expensive hotel (Armada Hotel) for my 2 days stay. Still, I was able to luxuriate in some of the facilities of the hotel during the meeting, and so far this is my favourite hotel in KL.

We were given a complimentary room ( reward of my product manager's philosophy to 'squeeze until the last drop'), for pre-function meetings use. Whoo...I'm still drooling over the huge and delicious Hitachi LCD TV and the rediculous-looking-but-damn-comfortable chairs in the meeting room.

All meeting rooms were equiped with an LCD screen on the entrance preprogrammed with the schedule of use of that particular room. A colleague was also impressed with the hotspot accessibility in the hotel. "Fast, very fast, wah, first time like this, broadbandlah!", remarked this colleague of mine in excitement.

The real show of the day was probably dinner where we indulged ourself in Lebanese food in the Al Nafourah Restaurant, where we were also entertained with ahem...let me catch my breath....belly dancing! Aww....!

But ceh! Nothing much la. Just a fat lady prancing around looking for victims to embarass. Yes. Guests who are eating are subject to being chosen to embarass themself/entertain others by dancing with the middle eastern lady. So now you got 2 overweight people doing the mating dance (people who can afford to eat here are overweight). Yukk. Appetite killer.

After dinner, there was another round of gathering in a customer's room, where there were lots of drinking and laughing and dirty jokes and politics. This is where the 12 years old scotch which I can't remember the name came in. Dhevass or something which sounds similar, not Chivas though. After gotten ourself half drunk, we decided to go to an Indian pub in Brickfield which was just 1 km away, so we decided to walk there. Now just imagine a bunch of half drunk men (10 of us) walking on the streets goofing around, laughing so loud we're lucky we didn't get arrested for disturbance of peace or something. Hell, wat the fuk am I talking about, it's Brickfield!

Now, there are 2 things I notice in Indian pubs:

1)They are frequented by males mainly (ratio of male to female, 15:1). Probably a heaven for getting away from the nagging wife??

2)Loud singing!! All the latest and not so latest indian pop songs. No club music, trance whatsoever, just good old Indian pop.

Got shock of my life when getting out of the hotel carpark in Le Meridien and told parking cost RM44!! Luckily bossess are staying in the hotel so asked them for their room no. and got free parking. (Yea, they stay Meridien, we stay Armada. Bah!) Still have to pay RM5 though.

Got back at Armada finally at 3am. Fully prepared for the hangover the next day.

My phone is SEXY!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:36 AM | 0 comments »

I'm gonna brag about my new phone now. If you're not happy about people being cocky once in a while because they CAN, pi main jauh jauh.

Everybody brags about it when they buy a new phone. I'm reading Bill Clinton's My Life, and he brags about it when he got himself a new phone back in 2002. Here's (something like) how it goes :

(** Conversations Malaysianised to cater for local readership** ..Fuk! Who am I kidding? nobody reads my blog :( )

Lil' Bill: Wah!! Fuiyoh, Hillary, come see my new phone, damn canggih! Come la, come. See, got camera summore.

Hillary: Aik, thought you said you never going to use handphone. Said very distracting, especially when you working, if phone go 'tee toot tee toot', it makes you go crazy, no meh?

Lil' Bill: Actually, I brought this phone for communication with you and Chelsea la. You see, I'm always on the go, cannot always look for the payphone ma, and cannot carry the damn payphone with me, damn heavy. I tried already. So have to buy handphone lo.

Hillary: Just make damn sure that you don't use it for other purpose ah, especially the camera function. *dagger stares with the grrr... sound effect*

Lil' Bill: I love you

Hillary: Oh, sweetie pie. Come here. Muacks..

Lil' Bill, thinking in his head: 'Works everytime. Everytime.'

(ok, so it's not from the book. I made it up. So what? Spank me.)

Anyway, back to my handphone.

It's soooo sexy! Yes, I'm using the word sexy, cause if I'm able to, I'd have sex with it. Yea, it's THAT sexy.

I didn't buy the phone. By the way, it's a Sony Ericsson F500i. No. SHE's a Sony Ericsson F500i. Ok, I'll call her SHE from now on, since I'm such a sexist. She's a gift from my bro in UK. So she's got a huge Vodafone logo on the front cover which I don't like very much. The only thing that's not so sexy about her.

She cost about 60 pound which is about RM420. Take a look at the phone's review here.

I love her big boobs color screen. 64k color, man. My first color screen phone. Woo... nice. I love her fantastic ringtones too. My first polyphonic phone. Hmm....delicious. And her camera, Ahem. I think i'll stop here.

Welcome to the real world?

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:31 AM | 2 comments »

This post is to further a discussion with a friend of mine, Adele.

There are 2 concepts that I find very interesting and we have different view of:

1) The real world vs everything is perception
2) Being genuine vs modeling someone

I'll start by tackling the concept of how we look at the world around us. I have a belief of everything being only perceptions of the mind. It's not that I don't believe in concepts like genuine love or faith, but then again, when you go deeper, what are they? They are feelings, or more acurately labels that we adopt to explain the state of mind we're in. If you try to describe the feeling of being in love, you might say it's the warm fuzzy feeling 'inside' of you. Cause some chemical reactions are taking place in your body and signals are being sent to your brain telling you that you're experiencing the feeling of love.

Again, it's important to know that the trigger of the feeling of love, or any other states of mind, is different for everyone. That's why you'll get different feelings either kissed by your boyfriend/girlfriend or a complete stranger, rite?(and I'm not talking about Brat Pitt or Angelina Jolie here)

Knowing all this is important when you introduce the concept of CHOICE into the equation. Why? Because it gives you power. Power to control life's circumstances instead of it controlling you! Pretty big words, huh.

What I mean is you and I have a choice as to the state of mind we adopt, in reaction to external events/stimuli. We choose to respond to the same kind of stimuli in different ways. Based on our upbringing and our life experiences. Agree? Knowing we have the power of choice in our hands, the question is how many of us actually utilize that power? Does other peoples behavior effects your mood? It's not their fault. It's yours! Cause you failed to employ your god-given power to choose a meaning for their action. It's your PERCEPTION of their actions that counts! If you could look at it in a positive way and get good feelings from it, that's the TRUTH for you. If someone else looked at it in a different way and go kill himself, that's the truth for him too. Cause in his body, different chemical reactions are going on and unique signals are sent to his brain, and it's all real for him! Something real for you is different from me because we have different interpretation in our brains. Savvy?

Let's look at the concept in extremes. Let's talk about the movie 'The Matrix'. In the movie, Neo got out of the Matrix into the real world, rite? Then there's one part when they're having a meal and one of the crew member brought up a fascinating topic of discussion. What if the food they have tasted when they are 'plugged in' the Matrix is misinterpreted by the Matrix? Since none of them have tastes a lot of real food before, what if chicken tasted like something else. All the Matrix do is to send electrical signals to your brain to tell you what you're feeling or sensing.

Think about it. Why can't this happen in the real world? All your five senses do is to collect stimuli from the environment and send it to your brain to be interpreted, rite? What if I am one in a million and i have got a different wiring in my brain. Nobody would be able to tell the difference. Everytime I see the color white, because of my 'defect', my brain will interpret it as black, and vice versa. You see, black and white are just labels. If I have this 'defect' in color interpretation since i was born, nobody would be able to tell the difference. White to my brain is black to everyone else, but I'll still name it as black cause I learned to call it that from everybody else. Crazy?

So just what is real? The real world is just what meaning your brain decides to give it. And that depends on the interpretation of your brain, doesn't it? What software does your brain uses? Matrix is a sofware for the brain, hence, my concept of 'all of us live in our own matrix'. Understanding this, you will see perception as a tool that will change how you live your life. So, when I have negative feelings, despite triggered by some external uncontrollable events, I know that I chosed to feel that way. And knowing I have a choice to change the perception of these events give me much more positive power than just succumb to life's unpredictability.

On the second concept of modeling someone means not being your genuine self, I've been asking myself this question for years: Who am I? What is genuinely me?

For me, we all started out as blank papers, filled up along the way with life experiences to be who we are today. Except for the basic instincts born with us, we have zero personnality when we started. So where do we acquire our personalities? From our external environment, of course. From our parents, our teachers, friends and all the people we meet, even books. Whether concious or not, we acquire our personnality from modeling all these people. In a seminar by a well known speaker on human behaviour, participants are told to list down five names of people they have the most contact with in their life at the moment. When they are done, they are told that they are looking at what they will become five years down the road. You are a reflection of the people you're with, your family, the friends you hang out with.

Many years ago, I've come to realise an ugly truth. I don't like some of the personalities I have. I've suddenly realised I'm not the person I want to be. The thing is I have only myself to blame cause right till then, I have not really made any concious effort to mould myself to become the person i dream to be, so without a plan, I got influenced by what comes along in my life.

Since then, I've taken up total responsibility of who I am. Yes, my family and my upbringing had great influence on me, but I still have a choice, I can change anything I like with enough discipline. I hear people all the time complaining about how their family background had made them the way they are and it's hard for them to change. I agree it's hard, but it's POSSIBLE. Just take up the responsibility and stop blaming someone else for who you are. Makes sense?

Do modelling someone really stop you from being creative and unique? I disagree. I've struggled with the concept of creativity for years too. My interest in the concept of creativity spiked when I came across books by Dr Edward De Bono in lower secondary school. Became a fan since then. I've always been quite a creative person especially in arts despite never taking any serious arts lessons. Always got involved in designing logos, t-shirts or arts in school magazine. I got stuck for many years and felt I could just be average and can't really come up with something revolutionary. All because of the defination of 'creativity' and 'innovation' I learned from a lesson in 'Kemahiran Hidup' (Do they still teach that in school?).

Creativity is being able to come up with something that nobody else has think of before and innovation is taking someone's ideas and make improvements into something better, rite? That is what got me stuck! I've been working on coming up with ideas from thin air! That is so STUPID. Since then, I've done a lot of research and came up with my own defination of creativity and realised creativity only comes with a lot of knowledge, not producing ideas out of thin air.

I see examples in this in the life of 2 of the most creative person in history. Thomas A. Edison and Bruce Lee. We all know the great inventor, Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb and thousands of other inventions. He showed me what creativity means. If you can put 2 or more existing ideas that might seems totally unrelated together and make it work, that's creativity. In short, creativity is just playing with ideas already in existance to fusion it into new ones. When creating the light bulb, he brings the ideas of light, electricity and heat together and made it work, and voila! A preequisite to being creative is to have a lot of knowledge in that particular subject, so you can have a lot of ideas/concept to play with in the first place. Do you think he would be able to invent the lightblub if he's not knowlegable in physics, chemistry and maths?

What's so special about Bruce Lee, apart from being a silver screen icon and a respected martial arts expert? If you look at the history of martial arts, all types of martial arts are created more than hundred years ago, be it aikido, karate, teakwondo, chinese kung fu etc. You don't see new forms of mainstream martial arts being created by a modern man, with the exception of Jeet Kune Do, the supreme art created by Bruce Lee. Now THAT is something. isn't it?

To be able to come up with with a new form of martial arts is extraordinary and if that isn't creativity, I don't know what is. So how does he do it? I think it's pretty obvious he has immense knowledge of martials arts, trained in kung fu since young. But he didnt just stop there. He travelled all over the world to research and learn other types of martial arts. Modeling, isn't it?! That's not all, he has a personal library of more than 100 books on martial arts, all thoroughly researched, with notes scribbled here and there.

What I'm saying is to be able to become unique, you have to do it conciously, by modeling the right person for the right traits. You become unique by becoming a mixture of different people. If you go with the flow, then everything is up to chances. You'd be lucky if you end up with parents, friends and teachers with good traits. But that's just what you are, lucky.

I try not to leave anything to luck if I can help it. For things I can take control of, I'd like to take responsibility. Of course, luck is part of the game. But for me, it's only a small part. A really, really small part.

Enough rambling for one post, chow.

It's like smoking crack everytime

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:27 AM | 1 comments »

I'm high. Emotionally. Feels like it's burning inside. It's one of those times again. Accidently tuned in and just finished watching another episode of 'The Contender' on AXN.

It's a rerun of the first week's match, which is between Alfonso Gomez and Peter Manfredo. Alfonso, being the underdog, won hands down. I like to see underdogs make it. I like to see them beat the crap out of supposedly strong opponents (not just in boxing, but in everything in life). Love it!

I have friends who thinks reality shows sucks. Some thinks they are as fake as Micheal Jackson's face. But I just dig 'The Contender'. It's an emotional roller-coster to me. I'm sensitive, man.

Here are a bunch of guys being given the oppurtunity of their lifetime. In other words, they've got a shot to make it big in what they have passion for. How many of us get these oppoturnities? How many of us are still job-hopping trying to figure out what we're gonna do with our life or whether we'll ever end up doing the things that we really like to do?

These guys are fighting for their future in every fight, with their most loved ones by their side every step of the way. You can almost see fire burning in their eyes when they go up on stage. Knowing they are not just fighting for themselves, but also for all their loved ones. How would it make you feel? when you're fighting on stage and getting hurt, and your eight year old daughther is watching by the side of the ring. It gets to me everytime.

Starts me thinking, 'How hard have I been fighting for my life? or have I let life past me byjust like that.' Have you been thinking too?

NTV7 are run by crooks!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:26 AM | 0 comments »

I'm watching Stephen Chow's 'God of Cookery' on NTV 7 now and couldn't stop swearing.

To the people running NTV 7, what do you think we are? Do you think we're all MORONS?!! 5 minutes of the show and 15 minutes of comercials are just too damn annoying a patern to not notice!! You blood sucking, inconsidarate freaks!!

You have yourself to blame. I hope all other Stephen Chow fans out there will boycott your channel. This is what you deserve for incurring the wrath of us Stephen Chow fans!

I know you forsee tons of people tuning in to see the show because of the popularity of Mr Chow, so you go all out to sell as much comercial time as possible. But actually cutting the show short to fit in all the comercials completely ruins the show! What? You think we wouldn't notice?!! Some part of the show would be incomprehendable to some new viewers out there!

You crooks!!

This puzzle is killing me!!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:24 AM | 0 comments »

The net is full of people bored out of their mind. I'm one of them. Another one would be the creator of the Not Pron puzzle, found here:

I've been hooked since I've started playing. In a week or so, I'll be

1) bald (from yanking my hair out of my head)

2) blind (no sleep, radiation from computer screen....these evil machines!)

3) needing brain surgery (from banging my head against the wall, crying "Damn, I'm stuck again! Arghhhh..!)

Warning: you should not start playing this puzzle if you're:

a) impatient

b) have tendencies towards aggresives behaviors

c) have better things to do (don't we all?)

d) just plain stupid

This is a very challenging game. It's one of the most creative and time consuming game I've ever played. And addictive, did I mention additcive? It needs you to think out of the box, and be extremely resourceful. I started yesterday, only at level 7 now. Time off for me, I should be working (so should you!).

Up for the challange? Try it. Just don't blame me for all the sleepless nights :p

Hail the new Pope!!

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:23 AM | 0 comments »

So, the new Pope is in. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany became Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday. I don't know, people always say that first impression counts. And this first impression thing is just not working for me in this case.

The new Pope looks more like a mafia boss from one of those Godfather movies. Hey, I've nothing agaisnt him (at least not yet), I respect senior citizens (I guide one across the road once in a while), but Pope John Paul II looks so much more...hmm....warm and comforting? In fact, I feel so vulnerable and close to him just thinking about him.....eww, doesn't sound right.

Maybe it's all the things we've come to associate with the late Pope. His love and passion for mankind, his faith in his religion, his sympathy for all those suffering.

We'll sure miss him, huh.

By the way, did i mention I'm not Christian?

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:13 AM | 0 comments »

I want to make a confession. I'm real shy about this. I've been keeping it secret for some time now. I have no idea whether people will accept me after they found out the truth. What are my closest friends gonna think about me? Just to let you know, it takes up a lot of courage for me to be able to do this. So here it goes...ahem. I love pinky! Yes, I do. And no, I'm not finished yet. I love brain too! Hell yeah, love 'em both, narf!

I love them so much, I want to pay tribute to them with this post. It's one of the most enjoyable, funny and mind-stimulating cartoon show ever: Pinky and The Brain. Wobbly

For all those who've never seen the show, it's an animated comedy about two lab mice, Pinky and The Brain, who are constantly trying out schemes to take over the world.

I admire brain's ambitious nature, his intelligence, and creativity. But Brain also tend to be selfish, short tempered, intolerant because he cares of nothing but himself and his quest of world domination. Pinky, on the other hand, is the total opposite of Brain. Pinky is patient, kind, not jealous or boastful, not arrogant or rude, believes all things and faithful. Of course, also incredibly stupid. Narf!

Brain is he even has his own words for things that that is not represented in available contemporary vocabulary. For example, what is the word for 'staring at someone eating in hopes they'll give you something'? In Brain's words, it's called groaking. Other interesting words in Brain's vocab are:

Yerk - to beat someone vigorously (useful. do that often)

Ultracrepidarianism - giving opinions outside of one's knowledge (ok, this one too)

Myomancy - divination by movements of mice (Just bought a book to teach myself of this one)

Schadenfreude - joy at the misfortune of others (Ha...)

Viraginity - female masculinity (Eww!!)

Phronemophobia - fear of thinking (everyone experience this at some point in life, right? Right?)

Panphobia - fear of everything (Wow!)

For more, go here.

Also mind-bogling are Pinky's answers everytime Brain present him with the question: 'Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?'. It's available in wav files here.

Too bad the show is not shown on tv anymore, cause Pinky and The Brain rocks!!

The Next Wave

Posted by Wah Hoo | 7:07 AM | 1 comments »

Whale Got an email the other day that warns of another tsunami predicted to hit us between the date of 13/4 to 15/4. Ironically, the email reached me a day after that, on the 16th. Thought that was supposed to be a warning. Looks more like a confirmation that whoever made that prediction is either a very unsuccessful fortune-teller or a prankster who has nowhere to direct his pethatic sense of humour. But credits has to be given to this dumb friend of mine who 'accidentally' forwarded this mail to me without considering the contents in it.

Can't really blame him, huh. We're so used to it. I would even go so far as to say that almost all of us have had the experience of mindlessly forwarding mails without giving thoughts whether it's contents suits all the recipients in our forward list, or whether the email is seriously outdated. It shows, once again, that computers can really make us dumber.

But then again, what would you do if you got an unconfirmed warning like that? Would you go around spreading the warning to your friends too? I had the fortune to make myself seriously ponder upon that question when I recieved an sms warning of tsunami a few weeks before the email.

And I did. I forwarded the sms to a few of my closest friends and colleagues in Penang. Stupid or better safe than sorry? What are you gonna do? Spank me?! But of course, nothing happened, no tsunami, no nothing. Didn't even rain. Now, I'm seriously considering what I would do if I recieve any sms of that sort in the future. For anyone who invented these warnings as a prank, it aint funny. I wasted probably fifty cents on sms. Fifty cents!!

Back to the prediction of tsunami. It seems some parts of the email is worthy of serious consideration:

'1. The person who predicted 1st Tsunami is predicting that there
would be another one between 13th and 15th April caused by another
2. Animal could sense things much earlier than us. Yesterday's news
reported all the sea cucumber came out of the sea in PD and whales were out
somewhere in Australia.
3. Sea experts say that there will be another earthquake happening
at the same spot to balance the imbalance caused by the 1st earthquake.'

Now the first tsunami that hit us in Dec was actually foretold by an Indian professor, based on the observation of a mass beaching and deaths of whales and dolphins on an Australian beach. Now that would give logic to point no.2.

Three weeks before the earthquake off Indonesia, Dr Arunachalam Kumar, professor of anatomy at Kasturba Medical College at Mangalore in Karnataka, posted a note about a recent whale-stranding in Tasmania, and its possible implications, on a "listserve", an e-mail distributor, hosted by Princeton University. Read more here.

How true are the logic behind this? Let's hope he doesn't have to predict another tsunami for us to find out. And for all my dear friends who forward me emails. Thank you, I appreciate all your mails but mind putting your thinking cap on and at least read through the mail before you hit the 'forward' button?